美国康塔仪器公司与OXFORD合作开发的Optistat® DN低温恒温装置,专用于Autosorb-1系列仪器,从此,Autosorb-1实现了在77K到200K之间进行无限制气体吸附实验的可能.
To meet a growing need for temperature-specific measurement capabilities in porous materials characterisation, Quantachrome Instruments and Oxford Instruments have collaborated in developing a new cryostat specially designed to provide the precise temperature control required for advanced gas sorption studies on the Autosorb-1. The new cryostat gives researchers the ability to easily perform gas sorption studies at any temperature between 77 K and 200 K (-320°F and -100°F) using only liquid nitrogen as a cryogen, with a 24-hour hold time to enable round-the-clock experiments.
Because the structure and reactivity of solid materials determines how their surfaces interact with gas molecules, monitoring the gas sorption process can provide valuable information about the characteristics of technologically useful solids. Routine evaluation of important materials properties that control their performance – such as surface area, size and shape of pores, chemically active sites, and many others – is possible by quantifying the gas–solid interactions through isothermal gas sorption measurements.
This advance in gas sorption capability allows scientists to make measurements across a wide range of temperatures, without the usual restriction of having only a limited number of specific temperatures using baths of different cryogenic liquids or melting solids. For example, high resolution micro/mesopore analysis by argon adsorption can be performed at 87 K without expense of liquid argon.
- 在77K到200K之间进行无限制气体吸附实验
- 温度精度: +/- 0.03K
- 在样品区具有三点校正的温度传感器
,- 仅用液氮做冷媒, 专用于Autosorb-1系列全自动物理/化学吸附分析仪
- 可在77K到200K之间进行无限制气体吸附实验
- 无需液氩在87K进行高分辨微孔/介孔氩吸附分析
- 对不同吸附物质在不同温度下进行宽范围的准确测量
- 吸附热的准确测定